
Our mission is to introduce people with upcoming latest knowledge about Solar Energy as well discoveries in the world.

Sunday 31 May 2020

Have you Seen Incredible photovoltaic solar power projects ? Perfectly balance architectural design.

Sanyo solar Ark

We found many incredible photovoltaic solar power projects that perfectly balance architectural design and functionality, creating photovoltaic installation elements that combine with the aesthetics of the landscape and whose positive effects aim to minimize the impact on the environment Falls from

 These are 3 of the most influential solar power projects:

 Sanyo Solar Arc--Solar powered projects

 The famous Japanese electrical equipment company is betting on solar power with an outstanding architectural project that promotes engineering, design and technology. With over 5000 solar panels, this curved building has 500 multi-color units between the panels that display a wide variety of images and letters, such as a large LED screen.

Sanyo solar Ark

Guided tours and experiments are carried out in the laboratory of solar energy, where solar energy provides guided tours, in addition, a part of solar energy is a tourist attraction in Japan.

Longyangxia Hydro-Solar

Large Solar Powered Projects This solar power plant located in the Chinese province of Qinghai is one of the largest hydro-solar technology stations in the world. It has a capacity of 1,280 MW.

Longyangxia Hydro-Solar

This great engineering work was entirely designed and built by PowerChina, and connected to the Eastern Colossus's electrical network.

 The first phase of the project began in 1976 with the construction of the Longyangia Dam en route to the Yellow River, which produced hydroelectricity.

 For 2013, the project was expanded with the implementation of the Longyangia Solar Plant with which today generates even more energy that helps the Qinghai province reduce its naturally occurring acidity.

Sunrise solar cap

Photovoltaic Solar Energy currently has the largest solar park in Latin America in projects with Chile. The "Amanecer Solar CAP" plant has a total installed capacity of 100MW, energy equivalent to an annual consumption of 125,000 homes and 10% of the ERNC generation installed capacity target set by the Chilean government for 2014.

Amanecer Solar CAP

The plant, which is located 37 kilometers from Copiapo in the Atacama Desert, has more than 310,000 photovoltaic modules distributed over 250 hectares. It was built in just six months and injects all its energy into a central interconnected system (SIC), thus contributing to reducing energy costs.

Friday 30 August 2019

What if we get solar energy production suppression? Many people worried about the price of solar power selling

What if we receive solar power output suppression?
Fig:-What if we receive solar power output suppression

There may be many people who are worried about the price of solar power selling, which is decreasing year by year. In particular, you may abandon your investment because of the risk that you may not be able to sell electricity due to “output suppression”. However, there are few people who know exactly when and where “output suppression” will be implemented. Before you start investing in photovoltaic power generation, let's check the questionable “output suppression” and how to avoid it.

Output control- to maintain a balance between supply and demand

Solar power output suppression (voltage suppression), simply stated, refers to a mechanism in which an electric power company temporarily stops purchasing electricity. In other words, while the output is being suppressed, no matter how blessed the weather is, you cannot sell electricity.

 Why is output suppression performed?

This is to maintain a balance between power supply and demand. For example, there is no problem in generating electricity during the summer and winter when the demand for electricity increases due to air conditioning, but the amount of electricity generated may exceed the demand during the spring and autumn when the frequency of air-conditioning usage decreases. In order to maintain this balance, the upper limit of the voltage in the electric wire and the power conditioner is set to 107V. When the voltage in the electric wire reaches the upper limit, it is suppressed  so that the generated electricity cannot be  output  to the electric wire.

voltage suppression
Fig:-voltage suppression
However, the solar output suppression order is after the adjustment of thermal power and biomass, etc., and only when there is a considerable oversupply until the actual output suppression is applied. Since home solar power generation is small and often self-consumption, it is said that there is little impact on output suppression, so there is no need to worry too much about small-scale facilities.

The FIT law revision also affects the “Fixed Price Purchase System”

Originally, output control was limited to “equipment of 500 kW or more”, but the scope was expanded to “less than 500 kW including household use.

In the background, about 90% of the FIT certified amount is commercial solar, which necessitates the introduction of balanced solar power generation, and the burden on the public has increased due to the expansion of power purchase costs.

 As a result, the balance between supply and demand was lost, and there was a concern that solar and wind power generation would exceed power consumption if all of the applied solar and wind power generation systems were operated.

Such supply and demand issues have also affected the fixed-price purchase system, and facilities that exceed 2,000 kW (500 kW in FY2019) will be placed in the bidding system. Even for small-scale facilities of less than 10kW, there is a difference in price depending on whether or not equipment for output control is required.

What are the measures to avoid output suppression?

Even though small-scale solar power generation systems have come to receive output suppression, is there actually any output suppression? Of course, it depends on the solar power penetration rate in the installation area, but how about it?

However, there is almost no impact on household equipment of less than 10kW, and the problem is equipment of 10kW or more, but most of them are less than 50kW because of the lack of land.

However, these can be avoided by increasing the set voltage of the inverter, utilizing a storage battery, or purchasing insurance.

 Take measures to reduce output with "storage battery" and "insurance"

There are three possible ways to avoid output suppression. First, increase the set voltage of the power conditioner, then install a storage battery and prepare an electricity storage location. Finally, you can get insurance.When adjusting the voltage of the first power conditioner, care must be taken not to violate the Electricity Business Law.

 In the case of home use, it may lead to failure, so let's talk to a professional first. A storage battery is a facility that can store electricity generated during the day, and it can be used without waste during the output suppression period.

The other insurance provides a service that compensates for the loss of profits from electricity sales due to output restraints, and can provide stable profits even when there is a limit. In addition to this, the compensation includes not only this, but also compensation for profits from power sales in the event that power generation is not possible due to a natural disaster or disaster, making it perfect for those who want to make stable investments.

Preventing damage by subscribing to “storage battery” or “insurance”

Output suppression is a system that can significantly reduce the amount of power sold, but it has a priority order and is not a concern for home use. Even for business use, you can prevent damages by introducing storage batteries or subscribing to insurance.

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Wednesday 28 August 2019

Do you know about the solar components? Complete list

 Solar power system

Solar power system
Fig:-Solar power system

A solar power system is more than solar panels
Inside the components of a solar power system is also known as a solar module or solar panel. Solar panels are the main component of all types of photovoltaic systems. Also there are different parts that add to the system which vary according to the application. In the following illustration you can see the components more practically.

 Solar module (solar panel) photovoltaic

The component responsible for converting solar radiation into electrical energy through photoelectric effect. They are mainly made by semiconductor (silicon) mono-crystalline or poly-crystalline. The ones with the best price and highest availability in the international and Colombian market are Polycrystalline. These are characterized by their nominal power or maximum power that this panel can generate under ideal conditions (radiation of 1kW / m2 and temperature of 25 temperatureC).

 Solar module  photovoltaic
Fig:- Solar module  photovoltaic

Charge regulator

This component of the system efficiently provides energy to the battery, prolongs its useful life, protects the system from overload and over-discor. This component is commercialized based on the maximum current capacity of the controlled (amps).

charge controller of solar panel
Fig:-charge controller of solar panel

 Battery (accumulator)

The electrical energy of the panel, once regulated, goes into the battery. These stores electricity to be able to use it at another time, its commercialization is based on its ability to store energy and is measured in ampere hours (Ah).


This component uses alternating current and low voltage (12 V or 24 V) alternately from the battery or controller, in the case of Colombia 120 V, in a simplified way that it can be said to direct current to a conventional outlet. Converts to . It is usually marketed in Watts based on its power, which is calculated as current (P = VI) per voltage. This corresponds to the maximum (power) demand of the connecting devices. This component can be added when the connecting device can be operated by direct current. As is the case with some types of lighting, motors and devices designed to work with solar energy.


It is a passive component of solar power systems. The photovoltaic module is responsible for holding and must be designed to withstand continuous weather, thermal expansion for at least 25 years.

Each of the previous components of a solar power system uses different technologies. Which make the system more or less robust and provide other types of properties. The technology to use and use each of these components depends very much on the requirement. Is there a demand for cover and technical limitations. In other words, if you want a portable system, you should reduce the battery weight, the most convenient thing is to use a lithium-ion battery. In cases of very high humidity, encapsulated controllers with high protection water protection should be used.

What is the difference between peak and nominal power in photovoltaics?

In photovoltaic systems, the peak power refers to the amount of kW installed, while the nominal power refers to the power of the inverter (the electrical equipment that transforms the energy generated by the panels into fit for consumption).

In principle, the nominal power is what sets the limit (no more can be produced than the inverter can convert). However, photovoltaic systems always install a peak power higher than the nominal - more panels - to try to cover 100% of the capacity of the inverter.

A photovoltaic plant will be well designed if the peak power - installed panels - is ideal to ensure that the inverter is capable of operating at 100% capacity at all times when it is required.

Monday 12 August 2019

The largest photovoltaic archipelago in the world

The largest photovoltaic archipelago in the world

The largest photovoltaic archipelago in the world will  born in the Netherlands.
15 islands made of floating photovoltaic panels will supply electricity to thousands of families in the Netherlands.

Dutch engineers are building

Dutch engineers are building what will be the largest archipelago of islands in the world consisting of floating solar panels. The growing resistance to the construction of wind farms and ground-based photovoltaic systems has led the renewable energy industry to seek alternative options. Plants with floating solar panels are under construction, or already installed, in artificial basins and in lakes of the Netherlands, China, United Kingdom and Japan.

 Netherlands, record-breaking floating photovoltaics

In the Netherlands the construction of the work, which will become the largest of its kind in the world, will begin in the coming months with 15 solar islands in the Andijk basin in the northern Netherlands. The islands, formed by 73,500 panels, are oriented during the day according to the position of the sun.

Involves the construction of three island 

The first phase of the project, which involves the construction of three islands, each of which will have a diameter of 140 meters, should be completed by November, once the migratory season for birds has ended.
 The construction of the work Started, but due to the migratory seasons of the birds we only have a window of three months in which we can put the solar islands into the water," said Arnoud van Druten, CEO of Floating Solar, supplier of floating solar panels.

 Second Project

Together with a second project located in Hoofddorp, near Amsterdam, which will use fixed solar panels, they will be able to produce enough energy to meet the energy demand of 10 thousand families
A photovoltaic archipelago that will be able to supply 10,000 homes with energy. This is the ambitious project conceived by Floating Solar, a Dutch company that, on the sea of ​​a famous nature reserve, will give rise to fifteen round islands made up of thousands of solar panels.


The project consists in the creation of the largest and most innovative photovoltaic archipelago in the world, which will be built on the sea of ​​the Andijk nature reserve in northern Holland. It will consist of fifteen round islets (140 meters in diameter), each of which will have 5 thousand solar panels inside. These islands will be able to move according to the movements of the sun, so as to capture 30% of the sun's rays more than fixed installations on the ground. In short, the Floating Solar will rotate like a sunflower. This will happen because each islet, by means of a cable, will be connected to three anchorage buoys that will tilt according to the time of day.

Maximum productivity with the panels always facing the sun

The solar tracking system provides three buoys for anchoring the panels with a cable that holds them together and ensures that the island is always facing the sun with an orientation system set automatically thanks to an algorithm that provides the position of the sun for the next few years, this will increase production by 30 percent.
Designed to withstand extreme conditions.

The photovoltaic islands have been designed to change their structure to be able to minimize damage

In the case of extreme weather phenomena, the photovoltaic islands have been designed to change their structure to be able to minimize damage.

Since Andijk has a rather harsh climate, the plant is equipped with a monitoring system for the management of meteorological risk: if an island is subjected to strong pressure due to wind or storms it automatically orientates itself to reduce the impact of the wind or waves. "We have already tested that the system can support, without WRM, wind speeds of around 120 kilometers per hour (storm)," said van Druten.

Minimal impact on the environment

To avoid damaging the ecosystems of the water basin, the photovoltaic islands will occupy only half of the surface of the water surface. The design was done in such a way as to create the minimum impact on the ecosystem and maintain the quality of the water. Furthermore, since the island is in motion, a fixed shadow form is not created and this allows to safeguard the balance of the aquatic flora.

Saturday 10 August 2019

First Italian boat in the "Solar" category- SunRazor 01

SunRazor 01 is the first Italian boat in the "Solar" category

The boat produced by young Italian talents is ready to compete in the Formula-E races of the sea.
SunRazor 01 is the first Italian boat in the "Solar" category, a high-tech "made in Italy" solar trimaran that after having faced the first tests in water and passed the approval tests at the 6th edition of the Monaco Solar & Energy Boat The Montecarlo Challenge is now ready to face the challenges of the electric Formula 1 of the sea
 fig:- Italian boat in the "Solar" category- SunRazor 01
Another Challenge 18 solar boasts
SunRazor will challenge another 18 solar boats in the Netherlands, on the occasion of the next championship race. They are all boats born from university spin-offs and experimental laboratories, brought to tender by 8 different nations.

Solar-electric boats are the future

Solar-electric boats are the future, so its work is being done so fast. Electric power is about square meters, so keeping in mind the overall balance, more and more surfaces are devoted to solar panels.
SunRazor is a trimaran that, compared to other boats competing, designed for navigation in the calm waters of the Dutch canals, offers greater stability and efficiency at sea thanks to a higher edge and greater hull width. The slightly greater weight that is thus determined is offset by the better performance of the propulsion system. The foils, that is the bearing surfaces, are mechanically controlled by special pads placed in the front part of the hull.

A concentrate of high technology

SunRazor is a trimaran that, compared to other boats competing designed for navigation in the calm waters of the Dutch canals, offers greater stability and efficiency at sea thanks to a higher edge and greater hull width.

Helped by Blue Matrix team

SunRazor 01 made with help of  Blue Matrix team that has combined technical skills in the most diverse sectors. "With combined advanced materials and aerospace technologies, latest-generation lithium-ion batteries, a high-performance electric engine, complex management software.
Also having a big role of the powerful electric motor and its particular competition propeller, SunRazor lifts onto its foils, that is to say the bearing surfaces, a kind of wings that allow it to reach high speeds. More than a boat, SunRazor is a complex set of electronic, mechanical and fluid dynamic subsystems.

About  SunRazor network
SunRazor is the result of the work of a network of professionals, enthusiasts, supplier companies, researchers and university students. Among these: the University of Bologna that supplied the battery management system already successfully tested on the Onda Solare car prototype. The University of Rome 3 has tested and developed the motor and inverter, developed an electronic management card together with its sophisticated management software.

On the basis of the project the wooden model was created from which the molds were made and, finally, in vacuum processing, the three parts of the hull: the trimaran hull, divided into two parts then joined together with the deck.
The material used for the construction is a sandwich in very thin carbon fiber, interspersed with a alveolar in Nomex, an aramadic honeycomb structure. Thanks to this aerospace-type technology, the hull weighs only 54 kg despite its almost 8 meters long and 2.36 wide. "We were worried about the delicacy of the deck" says Luca Basciu the builder "but in the end we climbed in four, the whole team, and it held up perfectly."

Responsible for the assembly

Creative Yachting Solutions was responsible for the assembly and the electrical and electronic parts, while the foil system was developed by the Polytechnic of Bari.
The largest photovoltaic archipelago in the world will be born in the Netherlands
15 islands made of floating photovoltaic panels will supply electricity to thousands of families in the Netherlands.

The growing resistance to the construction of wind farms and ground-based photovoltaic systems has led the renewable energy industry to seek alternative options. Plants with floating solar panels are under construction, or already installed, in artificial basins and in lakes of the Netherlands, China, United Kingdom and Japan.

Total length 

overall length (lft) 7.80 m
maximum beam (width) 2.36 m
height 0.75 m
unmanned weight 140 kk
Construction materials:
carbon fiber

Material used

Honeycomb in aramid fibers
Drive unit
propulsion: electric, motor weight 7.0 kg
peak power: 10 kW
power generation: Solbian solar panels, back-contact cells in monocrystalline silicon
return: ≥ 24%
delivered power: ≥ 2,000 Watts
accumulator group: lithium ions, 1.500 Wh, 6.0 kg

Monday 22 July 2019

Big News---Chandrayaan-2 Successfully LAUNCHED:-India would be the fourth country to be the soft landing on the Moon surface

India has successfully launched its second moon mission a week after the scheduled blast due to technical  issue.

Chandrayaan-2 was launched at 14:43 local time (09:13 GMT) from Sriharikota Space Center.

The three-phase GSLV Mk-III rocket successfully entered all three stages and immediately after launch, Chandrayaan-2 entered the lower orbit of the earth.

Chandrayaan-2 was originally launched a week after being set to leave the earth. Chandrayaan-2 was to be launched on 15th July, but a technical glitch forced the launch of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).
India expects that $ 145 mission will land for the first time on the Moon's South Pole.

The space shuttle has entered Earth's orbit, where it will last for 23 days before a series of maneuvers, which will take it to the orbit of the moon.

India would be the fourth country to be the soft landing on the Moon surface. Only the former Soviet Union, America and China have been able to do the same.

For the first time in India's space history, two women - Muthiah Vanitha, Project Director and Mission Director Ritu Karnidal are being led.

Chandrayaan-2 mission is a huge leap in India's space dreams. The mission is also a forerunner of the ambitious Gaganjan project, which aims to keep three Indians in space by 2022.

Friday 19 July 2019

With solar power we can generate fresh water.

A photo-voltaic solar panels has been developed by KAUST .This device  captures shed shade, and electricity and water are produced using renewable energy to generate clean drinking water.

Wenbin Wang,  a Ph.D. Students in the laboratory of Peng Wang in the University's water desalination and  reuse  center research Conventional solar farmers use fresh water to wash dust.

Professor Wang and his team have developed a tool that can reduce the problem. Commercial PV panels convert sunlight into electricity with maximum efficiency of 20 percent. The remaining 80 percent is unusable, mainly in the form of heat, it is shed in the surrounding air. 

The team has developed an integrated tool that can catch this heat and use it to generate fresh water.

Researchers created a device, in which a heap of channels of water separated by porous hydrophobic membrane and heat conduction layers was attached to a commercial PV panel.

Waste heat from evaporated seawater in the above panel; Vapor crosses the porous membrane and condenses in the form of fresh water in a clean water channel below.

When condensed in the form of vapor, its heat passes through the next seawater channel through a thermal conduction layer, thereby recycling energy to purify more water.

Using three stacked layers of water distillation channels, and passing energy from layer to layer, the device produces water on every 1.64 liters per square meter on the surface of the solar panel.

Wenbin said conventional solar steel production is more than double. Meanwhile, the power output of the PV panel was unaffected by the desalination of water.